Classic Minis Japan » Products » Air Conditioning » Dash Cover
Dash Cover
Made from a plastic mould, the dash cover attaches to the lower dash rail in order to conceal the evaporator/blower from view. Though robust, it is not uncommon for the dash cover to be missing, damaged or trimmed to fit other accessories such as a drinks holder. This is a direct replacement for the original. Requires partial removal of the door rubber seal to fit.
A mixture of modern technology with a retro look, the mk1 style interior is a common modification among Japanese owners. With the addition of a conversion kit [pictured], it is possible to divert the flow of air into the cabin through the vents mounted directly on to the evaporator/blower, thus allowing the walnut dashboard to be removed. The conversion kit is available in two different formats. Applicable to both R12 and r134a systems.
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Product ID: #JQH100030